Thursday 15 August 2019


All About Me

Hello, my name is Athala Rania Insyra. You can call me Rania. I am the first of four children. I was born on Bandung in 20 June 2006. Currently, I live in Jalan Cilengkrang 1 Number 17, Cibiru, Bandung. 

Speaking of a hobby, watching a movie is one of my hobbies. In one week, I can watch 4 movies. Movies that i can watch are usually action genre and comedy genre.

I have 3 brothers. The first is still junior high school. The second is still elementary school. And, the last is not yet in school. My father was a civil servant in a Balai Besar Logam and a lecturer at UNJANI. And, my mother is a pharmacist

I guess that’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for your attention.

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My Goal My Ambition

H ello my name is rania, i go to school at sman 3 bandung and i am in class XI mipa 2. I dont know what my goals are but i want to continue ...